
Suggestion Corner

Devoted to ensuring accurate and dependable information, the website has been meticulously designed to address the distinctive requirements of valued customers seeking insights into El Calamar. In the event that outdated particulars come to your attention or you possess invaluable experiences to share, you are cordially invited to take advantage of the provided submission form. Your enthusiastic participation in this collaborative initiative significantly contributes to upholding the precision of information and extends support to fellow customers in their informed decision-making concerning this brand.

At the core of this mission lies a profound gratitude for the feedback and suggestions received, which serve as essential components for refining the user experience and elevating the quality of content. As the platform strives to empower well-informed choices, continued engagement is eagerly anticipated, fostering the collective knowledge surrounding El Calamar.

    Is this your business? *

    Business Name

    Address 1

    Address 2



    ZIP Code




    If you have any other suggestions changes regarding opening or closing hours, please let us know.

    Add more information (Image/Video)

    If you feel that the images of business are not suitable, please feel free to send additional photos or videos. Upload here.

    Please provide additional information which you think are not suitable for the website. Please send it in detail.